December 13, 2011

Abigail Rose {Whittier CA Senior Portrait Photographer}

Hey Everyone!

I've known this girl since she was MONTHS OLD! I remember being 11 or 12 years old and having their family over our house for the BIG USC Rose Bowl Game back in the day......ANYWAY! Years later, Im old lol and Abby is graduating HIGH SCHOOL! Cant believe how time flies....before I know it Ill be doing Cash's Sr Portraits.....IF HE LETS ME! lolol

I truly had a wonderful time with Abby and her mama, Margaret. Met up in their home town of Whittier and Abby looked amazing. Hair and Make Up was rockin'! I love a day of beauty! We spent the entire day snapping away all the while as Margaret snagged her recyclable treasures.

Abby was bustin' out those ANTM moves and totally workin' it! Thank you both again for allowing me to snap these memories....before we know it, itll be collage graduation, than WEDDING?! ok ok...I wont speak THAT far in ahead; but

Thank you both so much again and Abby, I cant wait to see what God does with your life. Keep contending and keep being true to yourself and always always ALLLWAYS keep our Jesus first! HE is already guiding and directing your path! Love you tons!


Capturing the harmony to life's melody,
