June 09, 2010

Soila & Steve { Huntington Beach Wedding Photographer}

Hey everyone!

This past Saturday we did Soila & Steve engagement portraits. It was quite an eventful day. From our Beach Location being run over with Pro Volley Ball Tournaments, Motorcycles and the Horrid Metal Snake of TRAFFIC, we didnt even get to take some beach shots. I was totally bummed about that....BUT!!! We ran away from all the tanned people in their bright shorts and tiny swim suits and headed down to where a volleyball tournament was NOT. We meet up at the Gondola Location, Soila and Steve are so awesome! After a quick wardrobe change, we packed up in the gondola!

This thing was AWESOME! Not only did we have the coolest Gondola Driver Dude, but the boat was imported from VENICE, ITALY!!! One of my dreams is to ride a gondola IN VENICE and I just got that much closer this time around Thank you Steve and Soila!!!

It took a few times getting use to the rocking motion; but I braved the water and stood in the very easily tilted boat....and as my lovely Soila & Steve just laughed the gray clouds away...I snapped their portraits.

They were so awesome! Having a great time, cracking jokes and had noooo problem kissing hehe..I knew we were bound to get some great images. Steve had me rolling with his witty remarks and the ever so pretty Soila just giggled. Thank you both for an EVENTFUL but ending well day! I totally had such a great time and I am totally down for our 2nd Shoot Date in Wine Country! thank you for allowing me to be apart of your lives in capturing those moments! Please enjoy and cant wait for the Wedding!!!!


Capturing the harmony to life's melody,

Amanda Joy

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