June 28, 2010

iheartfaces Week 26 Challenge- PETS

So, for this weeks challenge its all about pets. Those of you who've read our blog in the past and who've actually met my Beau, isnt he just the coolest??? So, I thought I would put up one of my favorite images of him...We decided to go and play in the fields and this shot is just my favorite; because every time we go out and take him with us, he gets to wear his bandana!

He totally knows that it's his and he sits for me wagging his tail, he then helps me put it on him by putting his head through the bandana trying to get it on himself. lol. And lately he's being so cute because when were getting ready to go we tell him "get your leash" and he runs and grabs it with his mouth and starts playing with it. We're still working on bringing it to us lol.

Beau is our family and he brings me and Vic such joy! I love this dog seriously! lolol. Thanks iheartfaces and for all you pet people.........enjoy! Thanks!!!


  1. Cool perspective...our dog used to love his bandanna too :)

  2. Love the processing and composition.

  3. Fabulous photo! I love your blog and work, you take amazing photos. Thanks for sharing this special one... Love it!

  4. Love the color and bandanna, what fun! Love the tone you chose as well for this photo, it really brings out the light on the tall grass of the field as well. This photo really tells a story.

  5. Thanks everyone! He's a good dog...but like Ceasar Millan says "Be calm and assertive" hahaha.

  6. I love everything about this photo!! Great shot!

  7. I really really like this photo! Great shot!

  8. My little guy feels the same way about his collar! I love the bandana, I'm sure it gives him some personality :)

  9. Loving the perspective here. Nice shot!

  10. Beautiful photo. Very cool.
    ps nice song too. :)
