June 20, 2010

iheartfaces contest- June 21st Celebrating Teens

I've joined iheartfaces and they have weekly photo contests!!! So excited because this is my first contest and this weeks contest is all about celebrating teens! I chose one of my personal favorites from my Senior Portrait Session with Mariah. Not only is she gorgeous and her profile is amazing; but I totally love this photo. Crossing my fingers and ten chubby toes! Thank you iheartfaces for the opportunity!!!

Capturing the harmony to life's melody,

Amanda Joy


  1. Absolutely love this image! Gorgeous pose and love your processing. Well done!

  2. Wow, this is STUNNING! Definitely one of my favorite shots this week. Your blog is beautiful too!

  3. This is really great! Good Job!

  4. Thank you everyone! Its my first contest lol and this is one of my fav images hehe. Thank you again **bowing and curtsying** lol

  5. thanks for your comment, your pic is stunning as well!! Love it!!

  6. You have my vote! This is gorgeous. I need to stay and browse around your blog. Beautiful!!
