January 07, 2014

How The Heck Do You Do This?! Amanda Mae Photography

Hey Guys!

This post is for all you photographers out there who are basically at that same point that I was.....which is constantly asking yourself "HOW THE HECK DO I DO THIS??!!!" lol. If you're like me, patience doesn't necessarily come easy lol.

I wanted to share with you the major thing that helped me in my business process. SENIOR BLUEPRINT. I took this course 2 years ago this Feb, moved to a new state, starting my business from the dirt up, there wasnt even a foundation laid haha!

Im also so excited to be given the huge honor of being a Guest Teacher for our new course of students. On my agenda this semester, Marketing Design and The Client Experience through Welcome Kits and Packaging.

I know that trolling around on Paperie Boutique, Google and Pinterest are huge inspirations and to be featured on Paperie Boutique with my packaging was a HUGE DEAL to me haha. Cause I totally was there at your place starting out going..."AHH HOW CAN I GET THAT?!!"

I signed up for Senior Blueprint and it changed not only my idea of a successful business but it changed every thought I had about not only pricing, the process, but the overall look and feel of me, myself, my business and of course my work in general.

I want to be able to provide something amazing to my clients...dont we all! And I really didnt know how to get started or go about that. Courtney of Get Schooled has an amazing corse put together that has helped me tremendously achieve way more then I could have ever imagined.

Courtney is a huge activist for pricing and a heart for seeing not only her friends; but her students and even her "competition" grow and become successful! In her blog post today she talks about how to UNDERCUT OTHER PHOTOGS EFFECTIVELY. Youve got to take a min and read her post, as it is not even about cheating out or smacking other photographers but rather embracing it and making you stand out by the one factor no one else has.....YOU!

She is a total inspiration to me, not only as a business owner and photographer; but as a woman, a mom and a friend.

Join me, Courtney and a freakin' awesome list of Guest Teachers at this year's Senior Blueprint V.3. Class is almost in session and you dont want to miss the opportunity to achieve the business that you have dreamt about, thought about, and if youre like me, even drawn about!

Get on it, paint those little toes of yours and step in the right direction!

Sign Up, class is about to begin!



Sign Up For Senior Blueprint V.3 Here
Courtney's Blog Post: Undercut Other Photographers, Effectively!


  1. Awesome!!!! I look forward to seeing more of your work. CONGRATULATIONS on teaching!!!!

  2. There's no better feeling than to impart valuable knowledge to your students! There are plenty of photographers around, and it is a very competitive industry. There's a lot of work cut out for beginners and even for veterans such as you. Helping the next generation would help prevent the cluelessness that is prevalent with starting photographers.

    John Bergman @ Business Coach San Diego
