I had always envisioned my life like a story that is being written or read. If my life was perfect in every way; wake up in a four bedroom house, breakfast made on the table, garden blooming, sun shining, go to work, have a good day, come home, dinner ready, favorite tv show on and a good night kiss to my honey....and did that for EVERY DAY for the rest of my life...than it would be nice; but there would be no suspense, drama, ACTION, ADVENTURE in my story and how boring would that be?!
So, when life throws it's little waves our way, instead of being in the dumbs, scared or freaked out of the cracks of our minds (which I'll admit, yes I still tend to go that route lol).....I simply like to see it as, it's just an other adventure life is writing in our story. An other Chapter of suspense, excitement and adventure! An other chapter to where our Journey takes a crazy exciting corse!!! How amazing life is and how wonderful that our Jesus would let us, US, experience to live, to thrive, to accomplish and be the victor in our story!!!
So, with that being said, mine and Vic's life will never be the same and is headed down to an Adventure that will last forever!!! We have seriously just celebrated our 2nd Year Wedding Anniversary and I cannot express how much in love I am with him and how amazing he truly is. He is the love of my life, my best friend and my everything. With that I know that the new Adventure Life is bringing our way will be one exciting ride!
About a little over a week ago, we found out......WE'RE HAVING A BABY! I cant believe it. We cried , we laughed, we cried, we laughed and while our mothers did back flips and my father sat back and smiled, we are prepairing ourselves for the new little addition to our Life Story. How wonderful He is that He is allowing us a little one to care for and teach and to experience Life's Adventures too.
Well, there you have it.....So, my apologies if I've been a bit lagger on things and a bit slower than usual...but apparently, there is a kid growing inside of me. lol. Jus a bit of Thanks to ofcorse our Lord and Savior for allowing us this wonderful opportunity to experience being a mommy and a daddy, for our parents lol and to the Love of My Life, My wonderful Handsome.....I love you honey!
So, here is apparently the first of MANY MAAAAANEEEEEEEY Pictures of the kid to come. lol Enjoy everyone!

Hi Amanda! I am sooooo Happy for you. A child is a blessing and I know you will be a great mom!!! You can bring him/her to my wedding now! Yay!!! How exciting!!!!
yay yay yay yay yay yay! YAAAAAY
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Amanda! I'm so happy for you!
Thanks everyone! its an exciting time lol....I ask myself...am I seriously looking at Baby cribs and baby furniture??? lol Thank you EVERYONE!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Amanda!!